1、初次得相见,你便是我无法抹去得思念。The first time I met, you were the missing I couldn't erase.
2、有事就找我,我一直在。Come to me if you have anything. I've been there.
3、往后的日子,你好好过,我慢慢走。In the days to come, you are better, I walk slowly.
4、在你面前像个小孩子,那是我撒娇的方式。In front of you like a child, that's my way of coquetry.
5、就在刚才我们分手了,祝我分手快乐好吗。Just now we broke up. Wish me a happy break up.
6、我想和你一房两人三餐四季。I'd like to have a room for two, three meals and four seasons with you.
7、世界很妙,让我认识你。The world is wonderful. Let me know you.
8、我爱你,一生我只爱你三天,昨天今天明天。I love you all my life. I only love you for three days, yesterday and tomorrow.
9、全天下最好的东西都应该归我所有,包括你!The best things in the world should belong to me, including you!
10、只有在爱情里面,女人才活得真正像个女人。Only in love can a woman really live like a woman.
11、情如流水,爱似桃,以我浮生,渡君一梦。Love is like running water, love is like peach, I am floating, crossing your dream.
12、我的世界是寂静无声的,容纳不下别人。My world is silent, unable to accommodate others.
13、你还没来,我怎敢老去。How dare I grow old before you come.
14、我脸就搁这儿了,看你亲不亲。I'll leave my face here. It depends on whether you kiss me or not.
15、尝你一口,甜上心头。Taste you, sweet heart.
16、幸福是鼻尖的奶油。Happiness is the cream of the nose.
17、庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃。Chuang Sheng is fascinated by butterflies in his dreams, and Wang Di's heart is entrusted by cuckoos.
18、想做一缕风,能随时陪你身边。Want to be a breeze, can accompany you at any time.
19、亲爱的,天变,地变,爱你的心永远不变!Dear, the sky changes, the earth changes, love your heart will never change!
20、我爱你,想要对你说声千万次。I love you and want to say it to you thousands of times.
21、我只想让我的世界中有你的笑容,一直都有。I just want to have your smile in my world, all the time.
22、我想你,想得无以复加。I miss you so much.
23、因为有爱在,便有了春暖花开。Because there is love, there will be spring flowers.
24、即使是自己也会让自己失望,更何况别人。Even oneself will let oneself down, let alone others.
25、数不清的梦,每个梦都有你。Countless dreams, every dream has you.
26、我的钱就是你的钱,你的钱还是你的钱。My money is your money, your money or your money.
27、世上最酸的感觉不是吃醋,而是无权吃醋。The most sour feeling in the world is not to be jealous, but not to be jealous.
28、如若不能得菇凉白首,又何来归期。If you can't get mushroom cold white head, how can you come back.
29、万世沉浮,你是人间归途。Ups and downs, you are the return of the world.
30、那年初夏,笑靥如花。In the early summer of that year, the smile was like a flower.
31、全世界只有一个你,我也只爱一个你!There is only one you in the world, and I love only one you!
32、你是七月的瓶中水,与八月的水中月。You are the water in the bottle in July and the water moon in August.
33、我还爱你,只是少了非要和你在一起的执着。I also love you, just less to be with you.
34、一见如故,生万千欢喜心。At first sight, there are thousands of joys.
35、有你在的地方,天气明朗,万物可爱。Where you are, the weather is clear and everything is lovely.
36、一声来世空了谁的等待。An afterlife empty who wait.
37、守候明月盼圆月,望明月许愿圆。Wait for the bright moon, hope for the full moon, hope for the bright moon, wish for the full moon.
38、世间独一无二的那种喜欢你。The only one in the world likes you.
39、我愿化作萤火虫,以我的一生,为你点盏灯。I would like to turn into a firefly and light a lamp for you in my life.
40、你许我赏遍繁华,后来,却碎了烟花。You promised me to enjoy the prosperity, but later, the fireworks broke.
41、我住在一个港口,在那里我爱上你。I live in a port where I fall in love with you.
42、生吧,算我的,随他姓!Give birth to, count me, follow his surname!
43、你美丽的身影,永远在我眼前。Your beautiful figure is always in front of me.
44、你心我知,明月寄相思。Your heart I know, the moon send Acacia.
45、一天想你一遍,又一遍,再一遍。I miss you again and again and again.
46、原以为我们慢慢的走,就可以走到地老荒。I thought that if we walked slowly, we could get to the wasteland.
47、你值得我珍藏一生,疯狂这个青春。You are worth my life, crazy this youth.
48、见过宇宙,但只爱一颗星星。I've seen the universe, but I love only one star.
49、爱和伤痛,是因为世上只有一个她。Love and pain, because there is only one she.
50、余生漫长,我只想和我喜欢的人在一起。The rest of my life is long, I just want to be with the people I like.
51、懂你,是明明白白。I know you. It's clear.
52、不早不晚,刚好是你。It's not too late, it's just you.
53、我这一生只忠于你,终止于你。My whole life is only loyal to you, ending with you.
54、我以为我百毒不侵,却唯独对你上瘾。I thought I was invulnerable, but I was addicted to you.
55、只想让你知道,我爱你到老!Just want to let you know, I love you to the old!
56、我爱你,就像你妈打你一样不讲道理。I love you, just like your mother beat you.
57、你在委屈什么,还在假装恋恋不舍么。What are you wronging? Are you still pretending to be reluctant to part.
58、我没说过永远,只希望每天都有你。I didn't say forever, just hope to have you every day.
59、春夏秋冬失去了你,我怎么过一年四季。Spring, summer, autumn and winter without you, how can I live the four seasons of the year.
60、被爱的人永远不会知道,爱你的人有多辛苦。The loved one will never know how hard it is for the one who loves you.
61、无论阴晴圆缺,对你永不变心。I will never change my heart to you, no matter whether it is full or not.
62、此生固短,无你何欢。This life is too short for you.
63、你侬我侬感情重,是我对你容颜的想念。You Nong I Nong feelings, is my miss of your appearance.
64、两情相悦,长陪伴。Love and company.
65、一首歌只为你歌唱,那是痴情。A song only sings for you, that is infatuation.
66、给爱恋上一把锁,一头是我另一头是你。To love on a lock, one is me, the other is you.