
1、Do you know where I can get a quick snack?你知道哪里有快餐吗?

2、“Food is the universal language.”(食物是世界通用的.语言)——这句话突出了食物在跨越文化和语言障碍方面的能力。

3、Eat to live,but not live to eat.

4、Dont put all your eggs in one basket.不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上

5、Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.

6、“A balanced diet is the key to good health.”(均衡饮食是健康之匙)——这句话强调了在饮食中摄取各种营养物质的必要性。

7、“A watched pot never boils.”(心急吃不了热豆腐)——这句话表明,焦急等待并不能加快事情的进程。

8、Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

9、Have you ordered yet?你点过菜了吗?

10、Wanna be healthy?Do please treat youself a nice breakfast.

11、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

12、Hunger is the best sauce.饥饿是最好的调味汁。

13、Many a slip(many things fall)between the cup and the lip.凡事难以十拿稳。

14、A close mouth catches no flies.

15、“Hunger is the best sauce.”(饥肠辘辘是最好的调味品)——这句话表明,饥饿可以增强食物的滋味。

16、I"d like to have France red wine. 是否可建议一些不错的酒?

17、“Waste not, want not.”(勤俭节约,不虞匮乏)——这句话谴责浪费食物,并强调节约的重要性。

18、Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

19、Eat to live,but do not live to eat.

20、“There's always room for dessert.”(总有空间装下甜点)——这句话反映了人们对甜食的喜爱,以及食物在社交场合的重要性。

21、Half a loaf is better than none.有一点总比没有好

22、Too many cooks spoil the broth.

23、Do you have vegetarian dish? 你的牛排要如何烹调?

24、Well done (medium/rare),please. 我想要喝法国红酒。


26、“The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.”(抓住男人的心,先抓住他的胃)——这句话幽默地暗示了食物在吸引异性方面的作用。

27、May I order,please? 餐厅最特别的菜式是什么?

28、Fool make feasts and wise men eat them.蠢人常被聪明人利用。

29、Do not teach your grandmother to suck eggs.不要班门弄斧。

30、Could I have the menu , please?给我一份菜单好吗?

31、Butter to butter is no relish.千篇一律,令人生厌。

32、He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut.不劳则获。

33、Radish and ginger keep away from doctor.

34、As you brew, so must you drink.自作自受。

35、“You are what you eat.”(人如其食)——这句话强调了饮食对健康和整体幸福的影响。

36、Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever.

37、Eat in measure and defy the doctor.吃得适度,不找大夫。

38、An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

39、I’m on a diet.我在节食。

40、“There is enough food for everyone, if we share.”(如果我们愿意分享,每个人都有足够的粮食)——这句话呼吁平等地分配食物资源,促进世界饥饿问题。

41、What would you have for dinner?你要吃什么?

42、Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.

43、God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.

44、When do you start to serve dinner in the evening? (When is the restaurant open for breakfast?)

45、It’s very delicious.它的味道很好。

46、“Food brings people together.”(食物拉近人与人之间的距离)——这句话反映了食物在促进社交互动方面的力量。

47、“Too many cooks spoil the broth.”(人多手杂,反误事)——这句话警告说,太多的人参与一项任务可能会适得其反。

48、Nofrolicing dering the meal,no running after the meal.

49、In wine there is truth.酒后吐真言。

50、Here is the menu,sir.先生,这是菜单。

51、The food is too salty.菜太咸了。

52、Where did you have dinner last night?昨晚你在什么地方吃的饭?

53、The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。

54、He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour.不愿吃苦,不配享福。

55、What kind of food do you prefer? 你喜欢哪一类菜?

56、“Food is fuel for the body.”(食物是身体的燃料)——这句话强调了食物作为维持生命和提供能量的重要性。

57、“Eat to live, don't live to eat.”(吃饭是为了生存,而不是生存是为了吃饭)——这句话强调了食物在满足基本需求方面的作用,而不是作为享受。

58、lick ones chops.垂涎欲滴

59、Big mouthfuls often choke.贪多嚼不烂。

60、“Variety is the spice of life.”(变化是生活的调味品)——这句话提醒我们,多样化的饮食不仅对健康有益,也能让生活更有趣。

61、What would you recommend?有什么建议?

62、I have to avoid food containing fat(salt/sugar). 餐厅是否有供应素食餐?

63、haste makes waste.

64、When are the restaurant opening hour / operating hour? 餐厅营业时间几点到几点?

65、Good wine sells itself.货好自会有人求。

66、What would you like to order?你要点什么菜?

67、The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。

68、“Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper.”(早餐吃得像国王,午餐吃得像王子,晚餐吃得像乞丐)——这句话建议我们早餐要丰盛,午餐要适量,晚餐要清淡。

69、Diet cures more than doctors.

70、Do you like Chinese food?你喜欢中国菜吗?

71、Bread is the staff of life.民以食为天。

72、Hunger finds no fault with the cookery.饥不择食。

73、“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”(实践出真知)——这句话表明,判断食物的质量只能通过实际品尝来获得。

74、Do you have today"s special? 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?

75、A sound mind in a sound body.


77、“Don't judge a book by its cover.”(人不可貌相)——这句话提醒我们,不要根据外表来判断食物或人。

78、Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

79、Bread never falls but on its buttered side.最好的.东西最容易坏。

80、The proof of the pudding is in the eating.布丁好坏一尝便知

81、“Food is a gift from God.”(食物是上帝的馈赠)——这句话表达了对食物作为生命必需品的感激之情。

