
1、蓦然回首万千繁华已尘埃落定。Suddenly flourishing has been settled.末世流年那是否只是沧海桑田。That is just the last time.

2、曾经抬头四十五度,是为了仰望你的眼眸。Once the rise of forty-five degrees, in order to look at your eyes.现在抬头四十五度,是为了不让泪水流下。Now look up to forty-five degrees, in order not to let the tears flow down.

3、我仰天长笑,只希望你能看见。I laugh, only hope you can see.我大声呐喊,只希望你能听见。I scream, I just want you to hear.

4、男人,你要不爱我我我我我就缠着你。Man, you don't love me, I am I, I am bound to you.女人,你要不跟我我我我我就吃了你。Woman, you will not follow me, I will eat you.

5、唯求与他共搭未来的列车,抵达幸福的彼岸。Only with him to take the future of the train, arrived at the other side of the well-being.但愿与你共乘永远的航班,飞抵唯美的天堂。I hope with you forever take flight, flew to the beautiful paradise.

6、夜晚的寂寞显现出你的回忆。The loneliness of the night shows your memories.早晨的空虚提倡出你的论美。The emptiness of the morning is to promote your beauty.

7、懵懵懂懂的恋,注定今生都在一起。The love of this life are unsuspectingly, destined to be together.日日夜夜的过,是他们没有的爱情。Day and night, they did not love.

8、只要我们心连心,念-就是那么近在咫尺。As long as our hearts, read is so close at hand.只要我们手牵手,散-就是一个遥远的字。As long as we hand in hand, casual - is a distant word.

9、因为有了沵我才会那么那么那么的牵挂。With you I will be so so so worrying.因为有了你我才会那么那么那么的疯狂。Because of you and I will be so so crazy.

10、我望眼欲穿,看我看不到的你。I see, I can't see you.我侧耳倾听,听我听不到的你。I listen to you, I can't hear you.

11、别说对不起,是我爱上了你,但只是一场独角戏。Don't say I'm sorry, I fell in love with you, but just a monologue.我说没关系,他会比我更疼你,守着你的小淘气。I said it didn't matter, he will be more than I hurt you, keep your little naughty.

12、听,是寂寞的声音,静静将我沉溺。Listen, is the lonely voice, quietly will I indulge.静,听月光的声音,渐渐将我抽离。Quiet, listening to the sound of the moonlight, gradually I pull away.

13、一个人久了,不懂两个人的快乐。A person for a long time, do not understand the happiness of two people.两个人久了,不懂一个人的落寞。The two person for a long time, do not understand a person's lonely.

14、嘴角弯起完美的弧度,用微笑掩饰寂寞。Corners of the corner of the perfect arc, with a smile to cover up the loneliness.手指弹出动人的曲调,用乐声粉饰落寞。The finger pop melody, with the music of whitewash lonely.

15、希望你爱我,但你对我却是不理不睬。I hope you love me, but you told me is ignored.希望你不爱我,但你却默默的爱着我。I hope you don't love me, but you don't love me.

16、迩是我的心疼,总能给我最多感动。You are my love, always give me the most moving.迩是我的心碎,总能给我最多安慰。You are my heart, always give me the most comfort.

17、全世界就这么一个我,别不把我当回事。The world is such a me, do not take me as a matter.全世界就这么一个你,我拉了命去珍惜。The world is such a you, I took the life to cherish.

18、谁说寂寞的爱恋读不懂明天。Who says lonely love can not read tomorrow.谁说痴情的守候等不到黎明。Who can't wait to love waiting for the dawn.

19、我会一直在,纵使一切苍白。I will always be there, even if everything is pale.我会一直在,纵使寂寞成海。I will always be, even lonely into the sea.

20、赌气不过是为了找个借口引起你的在乎。Angry but in order to find an excuse to cause you care about.生气不过是为了找个借口引起你的注意。Angry is just to find an excuse to attract your attention.

21、是谁和谁的名,铭刻了海誓。Who is who in the name of the seaworn inscription.是谁和谁的锁,锁住了山盟。Who is and who lock, lock shanmeng.

22、我们相知相惜,习惯你依赖我。Our friend, you rely on my habits.我们相依相偎,习惯依赖了你。We Xiangyixiangwei, used to rely on you.

23、你这个糊涂蛋,没有我你该怎么办。You are so confused, what do you do without me.我这个糊涂蛋,没有你我该怎么办。I am so confused, what do I do without you.

24、认识你爱上你了解你看穿你并不简单。Know you fall in love with you know you see through you are not simple.原谅你放纵你包容你疼爱你其实不难。Forgive you indulge you love you is not difficult to love you.

25、最后只剩下星空,像不变回忆,陪着我。In the end only the stars, like the same memories, with me.至少回忆会永久,像不变星空,陪着我。At least the memories will be forever, like the same sky, with me.

26、难得要相依,任轮回不忘许生死不弃。Rare to depend on each other, let the cycle of life and death do not forget.白首不相离,执手同游如梦幻完美景。Without any deviation, such as fantasy scene with perfect handle.

27、誓言,只是一时失言。Oath, just a slip of the tongue.永恒,只是一个谎言。Forever, just a lie.

28、没有一句话能够描写得出我对你那么依赖。No words can describe me so dependent on you.没有一个词能够形容得了我对你那么爱恋。No word can describe my love for you.

29、听说树木最坚硬的地方是结痂的伤疤。I heard the hardest place trees is scab scar.听说禽兽最软弱的地方是爱人的心脏。Heard that the weakest place is the heart of the animal lover.

30、别跟我提回忆,就是因为不想回忆所以才将他埋葬心底。Don't talk to me about the memories, just because they do not want to remember so he was buried in the bottom of my heart.别曾我提曾经,就是不想回到曾经所以才将他彻底忘记。Don't ever I mention once, just don't want to return to once so just then he completely forgot.

