
1、Today, plant green hope, and grow into a towering tree tomorrow. Let the wind and sand bow down obediently, and let hundreds of birds dance. Students, let's plant trees together.

2、holding hands with big hands, planting a piece of green together, new branches connecting old branches, making thousands more beautiful. Everyone plants trees and every family protects the green.

3、A tree, a touch of green, purify the air to contribute; A forest, a green ocean, beautify the environment; Planting more trees, planting more trees, how beautiful the earth's homeland is; Arbor Day, take good tools and plant saplings, wish the earth a more beautiful and cleaner environment, and act quickly!

4、On the annual Arbor Day, we will plant trees together. Sow small green seeds, and harvest big shady trees. Let's act, plant trees and protect our homeland.

5、Arbor Day, plant a happy tree for life, and live happily; Plant a good luck tree for work, work smoothly and have a wide range of financial resources; Plant an evergreen tree for friendship, and the friendship is long; Plant trees quickly on Arbor Day. May Arbor Day be happy!

6、Green, a color of life; Beauty, a color that can't be described in words; Health, a kind of lively everywhere. In this spring March, let me plant a variety of green hopes, let us spread green hopes, and let the green trees dye our motherland.

7、Arbor Day, planting trees, in your heart, day by day, watching hope sprout, listening to happy flowers, accompanied by lucky leaves, and happy results. May the green good mood, golden good luck and purple good fortune always accompany you, and wish you happiness as lush as a tree.

8、Is there a paper plane that flies into my heart around the world with my dreams and you in the warm spring, planting a tree and a sustenance of love on Arbor Day? Dear, you should be happy.

9、Planting trees on Arbor Day to set an example of a good citizen; Send flowers on Arbor Day and set an example of a good man. Invite me to dinner on Arbor Day, and set an example of a good friend! Haha, I wish you a happy holiday!

10、Plant trees to make the air fresher. Plant trees to make the world a better place. Plant trees, and let the barren hills wear green clothes. Plant trees, let the birds have their homes, and plant trees today, which will benefit the future generations.

11、Today's Arbor Day, plant a love tree, and hope that lovers will eventually become dependents; Plant a family tree and wish your family happiness and harmony; Plant a friendship tree and wish friendship evergreen and miss unimpeded; Plant a career tree and hope that the career will be prosperous and far-sighted; Planting a wealth tree, I am willing to earn a lot of money; Plant a tree of happiness, and wish health and safety to be always clustered; Plant a tree of hope, and hope that people who read short messages will be happy everywhere!

12、Soil erosion and desertification, afforestation and sand prevention. Ten years of cultivating people to learn culture, a hundred years of forest have made great contributions. Thousands of years old trees bloom wonderfully, and the purified air is picturesque. Planting trees, ing willows, watering flowers, and building an environmentally friendly and happy home. Arbor Day, start planting trees!

13、The winding path leads to the secluded spring scenery, while the clear water is waiting for the show. I don't know where the flowers are fragrant, while the deep forest is full of beauty, with a thousand turns and a hundred flowers, and the drizzle season is February. Afforestation, make contribution to beautifying hometown! Arbor Day is coming, let's act together!

14、Planting trees and opening oxygen bars, there are wonderful flowers in the depths of the trees. Plant Cycas to blossom, and plant Wutong to lead Phoenix. The roots are deep and the leaves are light and fragrant, so we can protect the water and soil. Pine and cypress seek good luck and grow, while willows send health every day. Planting trees on Arbor Day. Plant health and reap happiness!

15、Ten years of trees, a hundred years of tree cultivation, I hope that your served saplings will thrive again. Today, you will absorb abundant nutrients, and tomorrow, you will have full branches, lay a solid foundation, and grow into towering trees.

16、12 Arbor Day. Let's plant the tree. Small saplings, grow up quickly. Pass on hope and send blessings. Dear Young Pioneers, let's go and plant trees together.

17、I planted a tree seedling. When it grows up, it is just a tree. When we grow up, we will plant a tree seedling. When it grows up, it will become a forest. We will wear green clothes for Mother Earth, keep out the wind and rain, and we will not grow trees alone.

18、Plant saplings of hope, cultivate happy soil, apply beautiful fertilizers, pour auspicious water drops, root healthy roots, sprout dreams, grow lush branches and leaves, and benefit a happy life. Arbor Day is coming. May your tree of happiness thrive and be happy forever!

19、I plant a tree, it is just a tree; You and I planted two trees, and they became forests; You and I planted three trees, and they became a forest. The forest is Mother Earth's clothes. Let's plant trees on Arbor Day.

20、Planting trees can beautify the environment; Planting trees can purify the air; Planting trees can reduce noise; Planting trees can adjust the temperature. Let us plant trees together! Happy Arbor Day!

21、"The orchid under the window, the willow in front of the dense hall" is all in the poem to enjoy the beauty of nature. Flowers and trees are good for your health. In Arbor Day, planting trees is to write the truest poems, wishing friends poetic, happy and happy to enjoy the blessings.

22、deforestation destroyed, vegetation damaged desertification. The wind blows sand and dust, and life is threatened and uncontrollable. Returning farmland to forest must be done again, to prevent the evil cycle of environment. Everyone starts to plant trees, and the sky is high and the wind is light and the days are more beautiful. 12 Arbor Day, afforestation and environmental protection, the mountains and Lishui flowers set each other off.

23、Green is the flame of hope; Green is the source of health. Green is the color of the earth, and green is the color of trees. With the pace of the times moving forward, green is dying out. Let's push forward and protect our mother-the earth.

24、Afforestation is windy and sandy, and good crops are everywhere. Plant more flowers and trees, beautify our homeland, and everyone loves it.

25、For the primary colors of life, for the cradle of mankind, please be intellectually involved with the tree planting crowd in this great festival. Keep in mind one sentence: "321"-three burying, two treading and one lifting.

26、Afforestation has morale, with thousands of mountains and thousands of layers of green, deserts gradually fading into camouflage, barren hills and mountains becoming the past, and flowers, trees and fruits are everywhere all year round in spring. Please offer your love on Arbor Day!

27、There was a sharp shovel in front of me. I didn't cherish it. When the video of planting trees was released on TV, I regretted it; If God gave me a chance to do it again, I would grab a spade and plant trees, and say to the camera: The predecessors planted trees, while the descendants enjoyed the cool. Pick up the shovel and move!

28、Planting a tree will release an average of 1 ton of oxygen every year. Calculated by the amount of oxygen produced in 50 years and the value of preventing air pollution, soil erosion and increasing soil fertility in the same period, it is equivalent to $1,

29、12 On Arbor Day, I planted a wishing tree in the morning:

30、A tree drives away a haze, and a piece of green creates beautiful homeland. A short message wishes to get rid of a trace of troubles, and forward this blessing to convey more happiness. Arbor Day, let's plant a tree and pass on a smile.

31、Get rid of poverty and get rich. There are many trees for eugenics. Ditch road in front of the mountain and back of the house, Tuling wasteland reservoir. Planting trees in the land makes people rich early, and economic forest areas produce more. Make money and afforest a double harvest, and future generations will enjoy happiness. 12 Arbor Day, we will plant trees together and walk towards becoming rich together.

32、Afforestation has made great achievements for thousands of generations, benefiting millions of children and grandchildren. Plant saplings today and grow into pillars tomorrow. Wind-proof, sand-fixing and land-keeping, beautifying environment and fresh air. Tree-lined and in a good mood, there will be no flood disaster year. Arbor Day is coming, act quickly and build a beautiful home!

33、Planting and struggling, harvesting success; Planting sweat and harvesting health; Planting good luck and harvesting wealth; Plant smiling faces and reap happiness; Plant kindness and reap beauty. On Arbor Day, I plant my blessings and wish you happiness!

34、I want to sue you, murderer! The disposable chopsticks, facial tissues and wooden floors you used ruthlessly cut down many big trees! Today is Arbor Day. Plant a tree to make up for it. May our life be more harmonious!

35、Health is like "evergreen tree"; Love is like a "tie tree"; Career is like "towering tree". It's Arbor Day. Wish: Good luck and good fortune are not your "tree", happiness and happiness are not your "tree", and peace and happiness are not your "tree"!

36、Dig a pit of hope, plant happy seedlings, cultivate loving soil, grow into towering trees, absorb dirty waste gas, release pure oxygen, stop the loss of water and soil, resist the invasion of wind and sand, protect the living environment and green beautiful homes. 312 Arbor Day, we will plant trees together, and let the green cover the earth!

37、Planting a tree will release an average of 1 ton of oxygen every year. Calculated by the amount of oxygen produced in 50 years and the value of preventing air pollution, soil erosion and increasing soil fertility in the same period, it is equivalent to US$ 131,

38、Arbor Day, I hope your career will thrive like a towering tree; Love is like a green vine wrapped around a tree, and life and death are inseparable; Health is like that of Hu Yangshu, and it will not fall for thousands of years; Happiness is like a big banyan tree, flourishing; Wish you happiness!

39、The branches and leaves are luxuriant and shade, the trees are full of laughter and laughter, and the air purification function is great. It absorbs waste gas to produce oxygen, and the aerobic breathing spirit is refreshing. The beautiful environment is beautiful, the environment is protected and the life is beautiful, and afforestation is happy and long. On Arbor Day, I wish you to plant happy trees, harvest pistachios, hang on your face happily and have good luck with you!

40、On March 12th Arbor Day, let's plant trees, step on the spring breeze, spread laughter, and make our feet green in the spring. The shovel picks jingle the ballads, the streams wash the saplings, the barren hills are now leafy, and the wind blows through Chonglin Tao. The river below the mountain roared, and the ripples caressed the grass. Green factory is a tree, happy notes are branches and leaves, bringing fresh air, everyone laughs at happiness flowers, and hundreds of millions of trees are connected to dye the big territory of the motherland. Join the new ranks of planting trees, use actions to protect their homes, strive to be green guardians, and pass on the big idea of planting trees.

41、Sister Chun came to us at a brisk pace. She knitted a colorful dress, but she always felt something was missing. By the way, it is green trees. Sister Chun asked us to help her mend. In recent days, it is a good opportunity. In a few days, it will be Arbor Day. Taking advantage of this good time, we might as well "catch up" and sow green hope to make our home more beautiful.

42、Afforestation to show mountains and rivers, planting flowers and grass to perfume eaves, fresh grass is still green, plum blossoms to greet the spring are natural, vast expanses of green sea cover mulberry fields, and green mountains and clear waters can be seen today. I hope the mountains of our motherland are infinitely green! Happy Arbor Day!

43、There is no permanent scenery in life. As long as your heart is always facing the sun, there will be new beautiful scenery every morning, waiting for you to enjoy and bring you hope. Just like this short message! Happy Arbor Day!

44、Take a touch of nostalgia and pick a lovesick bean. Open my friend's heart and plant my thoughts. Watering deep feelings and giving talents, I hope this acacia tree has deep roots and lush leaves, and its youth is not old. It can make your hometown surrounded by green water and green hills, and protect the environment everywhere. Arbor Day is coming, wish our friends good health and wish our friendship last forever!

45、On Arbor Day, you are blessed with "trees". Good luck will always be "tree" for you, while happiness is not "tree" for you. Money is endless, and lovers will eventually become "trees" as soon as possible. I sincerely wish you a happy Arbor Day!

46、Plant trees into a forest, and the forest will become a shadow of the descendants. Peach and plum will come forth in large numbers all over the world, and moral people will be set up harmoniously. There are many splendid pillars in Jiangshan, wishing the motherland spring everywhere. My friend, please leave your footprints in planting trees in the embrace of the motherland! Happy Arbor Day!

47、You are the one who purifies the air and beautifies the environment. You are the one who restrains the sand and floods. You are the green hero-the tree. On March 12th, let's make a modest contribution to plant trees, which will make the environment better. Take action!

48、Every flower and grass is a life, and every tree is fresh. Join hands to plant green trees and create a harmonious new home.

49、The wind and rain hit, and the trees depend on each other, envious of it being zero distance from you; The scorching sun is the head, the shade is covered, and it gives you pleasure; Years will not change, as in the past, this is the deep affection of the tree for you, and it is also my kindness to you. If there is an afterlife, I would like to turn into a tree, plunge my roots into the soil of love, and remain steadfast all my life. Happy Arbor Day!

50、Plant a happy tree, be happy all the time and everywhere; Plant a happy forest, be happy and get good luck every day; Plant a lucky grass and be happy in It's a Wonderful Life; 12 Arbor Day, planting trees, harvesting endless spring scenery, full of happiness!

51、Plant a tree today and reap a piece of green in the coming year.

52、Plant the hope of struggle and improve the brilliant "index"; Planting hard work and learning to get rich; Plant kindness and beauty, and be happy "directly"; Planting willows and poplars should actively "plant trees" on Arbor Day!

53、Planting fruit trees in front of and behind the house, and planting pines and cypresses on both sides of the road. Willows are planted on the river banks of ditches, and later generations will enjoy the cool. Beautiful scenery all the way, pine and cypress evergreen catkins floating. The shade of trees is beautiful, and the flowers are sweet and happy in the world. 12 On Arbor Day, everyone started to plant trees and afforest the beautiful environment of the country.

54、12 Arbor Day, when predecessors planted trees, descendants enjoyed the cool. Sowing green, protecting the land, giving strength and protecting the earth.

